Just yesterday we told you that Jeb Bush has NOT
ruled out a run for president in 2016. The
excitement of the possibility was more than strong, aging, angry Republicant
men could stand.
Well here's some MORE EXCITING news that has
Republicants breathless with anticipation.
We've just learnt that Rand Paul, tea bagger Senator
from Kentucky, is also considering a run at the White House.
The Republicant cup runneth over. It’s hard to choose -- the brother of the man
who pretty much destroyed the country or a flat-earther who'd like to destroy
the country.
Too bad 2016 is SSSSOOOO FFFAAARRRR away,
(In this clip the Simpsons make fun of Ron Paul, Rand Paul and Faux News. A perfect trifecta.)
Bill O'Reilly, Faux's resident angry sexual
predator, had his anger issues on display the other night when he called a
guest on his show – Allen Colmes – a liar.
Liar, liar, pants on fire.
O'Reilly called Colmes a liar because Colmes kept
insisting that Obama had offered specific spending cuts to government
programs. Which is absolutely true. Although that didn't fit O'Reilly's theme for
the evening, which was – Obama hasn't offered any spending cuts to specific
government programs. If you contradict
O'Reilly, even when O'Reilly is obviously wrong, that makes you a liar. If O'Reilly says the moon is made of
discarded, discredited Faux News analysts like Sarah Palin or Dick Morris and
you disagree with him – you are a liar.
Last night O'Reilly was again made to look like a fool when another guest – Kirsten Powers – held up a paper that detailed $400 billion in health care cuts Obama wants to make. "You are wrong," Powers said, "one hundred percent wrong."
Of course, intolerable blowhard and bully -- O'Reilly,
refused to admit he was wrong. That's
what you get at Faux. Misinformation,
followed by denials.
We distort, you're a big fat liar.
We distort, you're a big fat liar.
other gun news: The
gun trafficking bill was voted out of Senate committee, now heads to full
Senate. No one shot at gun appreciation
events or at firing ranges yet today but be patient.
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