Wednesday, March 20, 2013


In other flat earth, Republicant, Tea Bagger news:
Paul Ryan, Willard the Romney's losing running mate, who introduced the DOA Ryan budget the other day (the one that guts aid to poor people and the elderly and gives tax breaks to corporations and the wealthiest people in the country), just got some more bad news.  What's an Ayn Rand, Russian atheist lover to do? 

This latest, cruelest of cuts comes not from compassionate folks (non-Republicants), those who think it's their duty to help the less fortunate, but from his own delusional, tea bagging fellow Republicants.  When Ryan was announced as Willard's choice for VP he enjoyed an 83% approval rating from the other knuckle draggers.  But oh, how things have changed in Ryan-ville.  Today, sad to say, Ryan's approval among the faithful has nose-dived to a mere 52%. 

That can't be right.

Yes, it is right – a 31 point approval drop from his brethren.   Poor Pauly.  Maybe a hungry homeless person can give the cheapskate a hug.  (An aside: Ryan claims it's not government's job to take care of the down and out.  That, Ryan claims, is a job for churches and charities.  Really?  Then how come Ryan's tax returns show that less than 1% of his income was charitable giving.  Bible thumpers everywhere know that a tithe is at least 10%.  But Ryan's idol -- Communist atheist Ayn Rand – would not agree.)

The US is celebrating the ten year TEN YEAR anniversary of the Iraq war and there are some who just can't wait for the start of the next one.  No, not Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush.  But Lindsey Graham and John McCain.  They say it's high time we got involved in Syria.  Really?  Try polling the American people on that and see what kind of numbers you get.

Speaking of Iraq, it was Rumsfeld/Bush policy to use private contractors in the HUNT FOR WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.  At the height of the war there were 180,000 civilian workers in Iraq, compared to only 146,000 actual troops, something unheard of in any previous US military action.  The cost for the war was $800 billion, of that 20% or $180 million went to civilian contractors.  None of it paid for, all on borrowed money.  War profiteering was a dirty word in earlier times, but not to today's Republicants.

A recent poll found that 52% of respondents trust PBS news coverage more than any other news source, only 29% don't.  Compare that with Faux News (We distort, you finish eating your prunes).  39% said they trust Faux the least of any news outlet.  See, 39% of the American people aren't so dumb.

In other gun news:  The NRA has worked in states around the country to assure that men who have had court ordered restraining orders issued against them to protect wives or girlfriends DO NOT have to relinquish their guns. 

Number of gun deaths since Conn. mass murder of five and six year old children now at …2793.


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