Tuesday, March 19, 2013


In other flat earth, Republicant, Tea Bagger news:

Reince Priebus (what kinda name is Reince Priebus?  It's like Willard the Romney or Wayne – Call Me Crazy – LaPierre.  LaPierre?  Is this France?  No, it's not.  If you want to be a Crazy Frenchy go live in gay Paree. What's wrong with some nice AMERICAN sounding names like Smith or Obama?), anyway, Reince Priebus is the Chair of the Republicant party. 

He's the same Reince Priebus who was top dog for the Republicants in the last election when Republicants lost the presidential by more than 5 million votes (even tho their severely inaccurate "news" channel – Faux – predicted a landslide for their team). He's the same Reince Priebus who orchestrated the loss of numerous House and Senate seats.  Only the Republicants would rehire a manager who saw the team go 0 for 535 during the previous season.

But this severely unproductive Chairman commissioned a study to try and find out why Republicants are so hated by everyone including many Republicants.  Reince Priebus released the results of his study yesterday and the results are instructive, accurate, truth telling and HILARIOUS.  HAHAHAHAHA.

Get this, asked to describe Republicants, respondents said that Republicants are SCARY.  Yikes.  Scary.  RUN. RUN.  The Republicnats are coming.  Mommy, I'm afraid of Republicants.  In addition, Republicants are described as being NARROW MINDED, OUT OF TOUCH and the party is composed of STUFFY OLD MEN.

Wow.  Zwicky couldn't have said it better hisself, although he has been saying it repeatedly.  And those words also describe the primary Faux demographic, which Zwicky has also been saying for months.  Now Reince the Priebus has confirmed what Zwicky knew all along.

Keep in mind, this study wasn't done by some progressive, left wing, socialist group.  It was done by the REPUBLICANT PARTY itself. Republicants decided to have a good look in the mirror and they didn't like what they saw – STUFFY OLD MEN WHO ARE SCARY, NARROW MINDED AND OUT OF TOUCH.

Guess who didn't buy all this studyin' and researchin'.  One guess.  That's right, four times married, childless, admitted prescription drug addict – ONE NOTE, RUSHBO THE BLOWHARD.

Limbaugh was huffing and puffing on his show yesterday, poo-pooing the study and insisting (like a broken record) that the only problem the Republicants have is that they're not conservative enough.  We're not conservative enough, click, we're not conservative enough, click, we’re not conservative enough.

More quarreling in the party of Lincoln, Limbaugh against Priebus against who else ya got?

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day.  Don't ya jus luv it?

In other guns news:   The picture sez it all.


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