Thursday, February 28, 2013


Univision just beat NBC in the February sweeps.  This is more evidence that the Republicant party and Faux News have l-l-o-o-n-n-g-g   t-t-e-e-r-r-m-m   popularity problems –

Big deal.  So what?  Who cares?  What does that have to do with anything?

Univision is the TV channel of choice for Hispanics, and – in February -- the Hispanic audience was larger than the audience share for a major network in viewers.  That is another indicator of the demographic shift happening in the country. 

This is BAD for the Republicants and Faux because this growing population of viewers (and voters) don't like Republicants.  Little things like saying SELF-DEPORTATION, a cuddly term Willard Romney used throughout his FAILED pres run telling Hispanic to go back where they belong from, are off-putting.  People take offense.

And Hispanics – like everyone else in the universe except for Faux viewers – know that Faux is in the tank for the Republicants.

Some Republicants recognize this demographic shift and are trying to appeal to Hispanics by working for Immigration Reform, while other Republicants say NO WAY MAN.  

Until the Hispanic population has a reason to vote for Republicants they won't.  It's known as voting ones self-interest.

Everyone votes their own self-interest, except for low-income and middle-class whites who vote for Republicants.  

These pinheads don't realize that Republicants ain't their friends, they didn't see the memo about REPUBLICANTS BEING THE PARTY OF EXTREMELY WEALTHY FATCATS.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


More bad news for Faux News, which means good news for the country.

Sean – NOT the gayest Irishman in America – Hannity saw his audience DECLINE by 35% (THIRTY-FIVE PERECNT, MY GOD, MAN, THAT'S MORE THAN A THIRD OF HIS VIEWERS) from where they were a year ago.

And Bill O'Reilly didn't do much better.  His nose dive was 26% (TWENTY-SIX PERCENT, MY GOD, MAN, THAT'S MORE THAN A QUARTER OF HIS VIEWERS).

O'Reilly -- if you don't know -- was sued for $60 mil by one of his producers a few years ago for sexual harassment.  O'Reilly at first denied the allegations but then quickly settled when the producer produced tapes of O'Reilly's obscene phone calls.  Why this dirty old man is the highest rated personality on cable says plenty about FAUX viewers.

Michelle Obama was on the Academy Award show the other night and O'Reilly didn't like it, no sir, he didn't like it one bit.  And he said so right on his show so he could give the gossipy old ladies and dour old men in his audience another thing to dislike about the Obamas.  What O'Reilly didn't say was that Laura Bush was on an Academy show, too. 

Or ... that the producers had intended to ask Mrs. Willard to do the spot if, in the unlikely and highly destructive eventuality, her hubby had landed in the Oval office. The choice wasn't political.  It was show biz.  But details like that don't suit O'Reilly's agenda. 

He has a specific gig -- Keep the old cranks engaged with fear about the WAR ON CHRISTMAS or fake outrage that the wife of a Ugandan Muslim is besmirching their beloved Awards show.   It's O'Reilly's form of show biz.  The problem is many confuse it with news.  It ain't.

Check out O'Reilly's expressions beginning at 1:20 as Letterman blasts him

In other gun newsOne year since three Chardon families lost children to gun violence.

Monday, February 25, 2013


C-PAC -- which is short for Crazy Politically Alienated Cranks, cranks such as Republicants, Tea Baggers and other flat earth true believers -- is having its yearly gathering of the herd.  This year's fun fest is scheduled for March 14 – 16 in Washington, DC.
Don't you wish you could be there?  Oh, just think of the good times …

A rich menu of flat earth seminars is available for the flat earth attendees to choose from:

1- Tactics for convincing your friends, relatives and neighbors that Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim born in Uganda.
2- Tactics for convincing your friends, relatives and neighbors that Barack Obama is a cyborg.
3- Tactics for convincing your friends, relatives and neighbors that the sky is pink, not blue.

The line-up of scheduled speakers is a perfect indicator of how C-PAC is preparing to lead America into the 14th century:

1- Sarah Palin.  The former governor of Alaska, former vice-presidential candidate and former Faux News babbler has mostly burned through her fifteen minutes of fame.  As we read on a political website years ago, we'll know the end is near for her when Palin agrees to pose for Playboy magazine.  Palin will speak on the topic of the Lame Stream Media, a hilarious term she may or may not have coined.

2- Newt Gingrich.  The former Speaker of the House and pudgy, adulterating hypocrite is known for big ideas and for a $500,000 credit limit for jewelry for one of his most recent wives.  Gingrich will address the audience for no less than six hours on how, when he's elected president, his moon colonies will be a top priority of his administration.  (Gingrich has less chance of being president than Palin has in speaking in complete sentences.)

3- Rick Santorum.  In a galaxy far, far away, Santorum was once a senator from Pennsylvania but when he ran for re-election the people of Pennsylvania said 'over our dead bodies.'  That resounding defeat hasn't cooled Santorum's taste for the spotlight.  Santorum is best known for wearing sweater vests and for the topic of his presentation – America must stop allowing women to use birth control.  C-PACers all agree that's a position that leads right to the White House.

4- Willard Romney/Paul Ryan.  Although Romney and Ryan are scheduled to speak separately, they will be forever linked in our hearts.  Sort of like bad breath and acid reflux.  The subject of Romney's speech hasn't been revealed yet but don't give up hope.  Indications are that he will explain how the 47% of Americans he once described as takers has expanded under the communist, Muslim, godless policies of the cyborg Obama to nearly 69% of the American population.  VP candidate Ryan will explain how he couldn't even carry his home state in the last election.

5- Wayne 'Call Me Crazy' LaPierre.   Call Me Crazy, as he insists on being called, is a VP in the NRA and mouthpiece for the gun and ammo BIG BUSINESS.  Before beginning his talk, entitled -- Think of the Children -- Call Me Crazy will deny that the NRA wiped its enemies list from the NRA official website.  Then Call Me Crazy will wade into the meat of his talk – Why we must use taxpayer's money to arm all school children against crazy people with guns.  
Think of the Children … please, just think of the children.  (And increased gun sales.)

And it's not all white people doin' the talkin, no sir, C-PAC is open to minorities you betcha, a couple of Hispanics and at least four blacks will make token appearances.
Sounds fine …

We've already booked our room at the Washington Marriott, hope to see you there.  And don't forget to pack your:
**Tea Bag Hats;
**Communist, Muslim, Cyborg Detector Night Vision Goggles, and
**some serious 'heat' (In case we get picketed by any unwashed, dirty, hippie, MSNBC WATCHIN' protestors we'll take 'em out, yes sir.)

ONWARD ... to '14.  (1314, that is.)


In other gun news:  Contact the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence here; GOP pollster Frank Luntz found that 74% of NRA members support mandatory background checks but not the NRA talking heads.  Why not?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

NRA: 'It's Probably Best If You Just Ignore What We're About To Say

According to The Onion, which is the source of ALL our news, the NRA has wisely said that from now on we will all be better off ignoring everything they say.  NO PROBLEM, NRA we been ignoring you for years.

South Carolina Republicant Sen. Lindsay Graham has been compared to a middle-aged lesbian by Daily Show anchor Jon Stewart, which is grossly unfair to middle-aged lesbians.  Morning Joe host, former Republicant Congressman Joe Scarborough lampooned Lindsey, saying the Senator will show up anyplace a TV camera is present.

That's cause Graham is suffering under the mistaken notion that the whole entire wide world is waiting impatiently for Graham's next pronouncement about anything that wanders thru his little Republicant brain.  He's got lots of opinions.

To solve the problem of an absence of TV cameras when he thinks of something to say, Graham had a South Carolina handi-man build a portable camera rig.  

Well done Lindsey, see you Sunday on Faux Non-News, the only place that cares what you have to say.


In other gun news:  The Mentor Police are investigating a gun threat at Shore Middle School.
No reported shootings at gun shows yet today but gun owners are still in church praying to the KING OF PEACE.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Faux news, which isn't a news organization but the propaganda wing of the Republicant/Tea Party far right wacko brigade, has one tenth the viewership of REAL news organizations such as NBC, CBS and ABC
More people in the prime demographic of 25 – 49 get their news from the Daily Show or the Colbert Report than Faux. 
Faux is an entertainment enterprise geared toward telling aging white males what they want to hear.  Which explains why some Faux viewers repeated the Dick Morris nonsense about Willard Romney's landslide in the last election.

A hahahaha.hahahahahahahaha.hahahahahahahaha.hahahahahahahaha.hahahaha

Nothing shows the transparent idiocy of Faux better than its most recent boo-boo.  A hoax about Secretary of Defense Nominee Chuck Hagel was repeated on Faux as if it were true.  The Faux Lou Dobbs business show made the unforced error.  The hoax was that Hagel had made speeches before non-existent groups with obviously fake names like Friends of Hamas and the Junior League of Hezbollah.  
Ooops.  Sorry Faux viewers there ain't no such organizations.  Ooops indeed.
Fooled again.  And again.  And again.

In other gun news:  Three people killed and several injured on the Las Vegas strip today.  Said a couple visiting from England, "We never have anything like this back home."  That's because the UK has SENSIBLE GUN RESTRICTIONS. 
No reported shootings at gun shows yet today but maybe everyone is just reloading.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Things are really getting weird in Republicant – Tea Party crazy land. 

It's that Faux News (news?) induced fantasy land where Obama is the socialist, Ugandan, Muslim, communist anti-Christ.  The land of Rush Limbaugh, where middle aged lesbian look-alike Sen Lindsey Graham says mothers need high capacity machine guns to defend their children against hoards of marauding zombies.  The happy dream land of Bill O'Reilly where the WAR ON CHRISTMAS has been won, where Ronald Reagan is again president and Russia is our biggest problem.

Yes, it's a crazy koo-koo land, that's for sure.  If you need further proof of just how koo-koo Republicant – Tea Party land is, take a look at the image below.  It's from a tea party group mailer sent out with Karl Rove depicted as a Nazi.  Yikes.  Crazier and crazier.

Karl Rove may be a despicable human being who sold George Bush Jr and the Iraq War to a gullible America but he should not be compared to a Nazi.  That ain't right.  Can't we all just not get along.

The Republicants and tea baggers are in the sorting out process of eating their own.  It's a result of the last election in which the socialist, Ugandan, Muslim, communist, anti-Christ Obama was re-elected by more than 5 million votes.  The Republicants know something is wrong somewhere when a socialist, Ugandan, Muslim, communist, anti-Christ wins by that big of a margin.  So to improve their chances in the next election the Republicants and tea baggers have formed a circular firing squad and opened fire.

We wish them luck with all that.

Although they might want to think about their POLICIES.  Maybe that's what the American people care about.  Taking baby steps.  Little things like HELPING PEOPLE FIND JOBS.

In other gun news: 4 kids killed by guns in Ohio since Newtown, 35 kids killed nationally since Newtown, 1999 people killed nationally by guns since Newtown; no shootings at gun appreciation day celebrations yet but it's snowing like hell so there's still time.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Faux News – We distort you eat it up recently dumped Sarah Palin and Dick Morris from their lineup of buffoons.  But be not discouraged aging white Faux News demographic, Faux has added a new goof ball for your edification.  Herman Cain is coming on board as a CONTRIBUTOR.  Ooohh, a CONTRIBUTOR. This Herman Cain was a member of the Republicant clown car of presidential wannabes and the same Cain who started Cain TV.  Never heard of Cain TV?  You're not alone.
Way to go Faux News, you hit another home run with Herman. 

            Here's a taste of Cain's wisdom

Stephanie Wolfe has instructed her students at West Liberty University in West Virginia they are not permitted to use Faux News as a source in their school work.  Ms Wolfe, who is obviously an astute and intelligent woman, unlike viewers of Faux News, is a professor of political science.  While we commend Ms Wolfe for her discernment regarding Faux News we're disappointed that she has also blacklisted THE ONION.  This is too much.

Says Ms Wolfe in her defense, "The tagline Fox News makes me cringe.  Please do not subject me to this biased news station.  I would almost rather you print off an article from the Onion."  Well said, Ms Wolfe, well said.

In other gun newsOn Sunday March 10, more than 150 religious congregations are participating in a Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath with family members of those who have been victims of gun violence. Naturally the NRA gun crazies will find this unacceptable.  "What does them religions got to do with guns, anyways?  That Jesus never said one word about no guns.  It's anti-religiositous.  And threatens our SECOND AMENDMENT Rights of bearing our arms to church for killin' non-believers.  Amen."

Monday, February 18, 2013


This just in:  Old Video for Faux News Faux and Friends shows dimwitted early morning Faux News personalities (?) discussing Willard Romney months before Willard was lambasted by President Obama in November.

This ALSO just in: Since Sarah Palin has been dropped by Faux News and George Bush Jr is nowhere to be found anymore after pretty much destroying the whole country we scoured our archives to find this footage from a long, long,long time ago:  

This ALSO Also just in: How do Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh keep their CRAZY followers informed about things that don't exist:

This ALSO Also also just in:  NRA shooting range EDUCATIONAL videos

Friday, February 15, 2013


Until a week or so ago the NRA had an ENEMIES LIST on its website.  But not no more.  It's been scrubbed.  Check it not being there HERE.
Although the NRA has deleted its LOOOONNNGGGG list of enemies, we thought it would be instructive to recreate it.  So we did.  Here, in no coherent order, are some of the individuals and organizations  the NRA considers ENEMIES: (AAAUUUGGGHHHH ENEMIES)

The American Medical Association
National Association of Police Organizations
The US Catholic Conference
League of Women Voters
US Methodist Church
United Church of Christ
National Council of La Raza
Britney Spears – Huh?

Children's Defense Fund
Hallmark Cards
American Bar Association
Episcopal Church
Environmental Action Foundation
The St Louis Rams
Sara Lee – nobody doesn't like Sara Lee
Leonard Nimoy – Spock?

Anti-defamation League
Mel Brooks – What about Blazing Saddles?
B'nai B'rith
Tony Bennett – I left my 30 round clip in San Diego
The Temptations – Ball of Confusion
Barry Manilow
Art Garfunkle – Like a Glock over troubled waters.

Boyz II Men
The YWCA (The YMCA is NOT on the list.  Boys like guns girls don't)
Kansas City Royals
Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream
AARP – Where's my AK, ma?

American Academy of Pediatrics
National Organization on Disability
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Meryl Streep
Levi Strauss  -- But cowboys like guns and jeans.
Oprah Winfrey
Alec Baldwin

Shania Twain
Doug Flutie
Spinal Cord Injury Association
Chaka Khan
Stonyfield Farms Yogurt                              
Blue Cross Blue Shield - Kansas City
George Clooney
Bruce Springsteen – Everybody's got a hungry .357
Jerry Seinfeld

In other gun news:  A Mentor police officer is stationed at Ridge Junior High School today on a rumor that a student was going to bring a gun to school; a Euclid man was charged with firing a gun in a Wickliffe hotel room – add hotels to the list of schools, malls, theatres, churches, offices, post offices, etc where we're not safe from gun violence; no shootings at gun shows yet today but the NRA is working on it. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013


The Republicant civil war is Fun To Watch.  We luv it.  The Republicants know they can't beat Obama; he sticks it to them every time, so they've concluded that they'll have better luck fighting with each other.
Karl Rove, mastermind of the George Bush Jr legacy of unfinished wars, lying about non-existent weapons of mass destruction, huge deficits and running the American economy into the mud, is warring with some know-nothings in the Tea Party.  Rove wants Republicants to start nominating candidates who can actually WIN elections, rather than pasty faced olde guys who ramble on about what constitutes legitimate rape.  This has infuriated Republicants like recently defeated, dead beat dad Congressman Joe Walsh who said, "If Rove wants to fight for the soul of the Republican Party bring it on."
Wow.  Them's fightin' words. 
Luckily Wayne 'Call Me Crazy' LaPierre, mouthpiece for the gun and ammo industry, will be glad to sell weapons to both sides.  Rove and Walsh can shoot it out, on Pay-Per-View.  It's a perfect capitalist solution.  And it'll prove once and for all that the Republicant party doesn't have a soul.

Further proof of the Republicant's divided house was evident after the State of the Union address the other night. (In case you're interested the State of our Union is good.)
Marco 'I'm thirsty-o' Rubio was tapped by some high Republicant muck-i-mucks to give the OFFICIAL REPUBLICANT response to Obama's speech.  

But that wasn't enough for the Neanderthal wing of the party.

After Marco was finished drinking and putting viewers to sleep, Rand Paul – flat earth senator for Ken-tuck – took another bite at the apple.  Paul finished the insomnia cure started by his (not crazy enough for the Tea Party) brother -- Marco.

Yet TWO speeches by Republicants that most sane people have never heard of.  If the Republicants were smart, instead of forcing TWO speeches on us by not ready for prime time baby-faced senators, they'd have put NO ONE up against the Pres. 
(When's the last time anyone accused the current breed of Republicants of being smart?)

Friday, February 8, 2013


Who's afraid of Ashley Judd?  Plenty of people.

If you're smart enough to be a regular reader of this blog you'll know that Ashley has been the subject of two posts as she's considering a run for Senate from Kentucky, against Senator Mitch – I'm talking as slow, annoyingly and boringly as I can – McConnell.

Mitch – I'm talking as slow, annoyingly and boringly as I can – McConnell is up for re-election and he's scared.  His stock is dropping with many Republicants, particularly the tea party Neanderthals who don't like McConnell's deal makin' with them rascally Demo-cracks.  That's trouble for him on his right flank.  He may get tea partied in his primary.

On his left flank is Ms Judd, a petite Hollywood actress.  Why is a cranky old political operator like McConnell afraid of a little Hollywood actress?  She ought to be nothing more than a gnat to his insufferable, mind numbing, tedi-osity.  (That means he's boring.)  But he's a-scart of her cause he polls only four (4) points ahead of her.  Ouch.  A Hollywood liberal with no political experience right on McConnell's tail.  No wonder Mitch called in what he considers to be the Cavalry.

The Cavalry in this case being Karl Rove, the political mastermind who spent $300 in the last election cycle NOT getting Republicants elected.

Rove's ineffective political machination machine – AMERICAN CROSSROADS – just dropped 10 grand on an internet ad. (Snore.)  The ad -- which nobody will see, or, if they do stumble across it while Googling Beyonce's  Super Bowl show – throws totally ineffectual political bomb shells at Judd. Rove's ad reveals three DEVASTATIN' snipes at Miss Ashley.  ("Why Miss Ashley, I do believe you mean to crush poor ole Master McConnell."

1 -- She grew up in Kentucky but currently lives in Tennessee.   AAAAAHHHHHH TENNESSEE

2 -- She's a liberal.  AAAAHHHHH  SHE'S A LIBERAL

3 -- And – wait for it – she likes Obama.  AAAAAHHHHHH OBAMA (didn't he win by like 5 million votes?)

Take THAT Ashley Judd, you think you're so big. Ha.