Wednesday, February 27, 2013


More bad news for Faux News, which means good news for the country.

Sean – NOT the gayest Irishman in America – Hannity saw his audience DECLINE by 35% (THIRTY-FIVE PERECNT, MY GOD, MAN, THAT'S MORE THAN A THIRD OF HIS VIEWERS) from where they were a year ago.

And Bill O'Reilly didn't do much better.  His nose dive was 26% (TWENTY-SIX PERCENT, MY GOD, MAN, THAT'S MORE THAN A QUARTER OF HIS VIEWERS).

O'Reilly -- if you don't know -- was sued for $60 mil by one of his producers a few years ago for sexual harassment.  O'Reilly at first denied the allegations but then quickly settled when the producer produced tapes of O'Reilly's obscene phone calls.  Why this dirty old man is the highest rated personality on cable says plenty about FAUX viewers.

Michelle Obama was on the Academy Award show the other night and O'Reilly didn't like it, no sir, he didn't like it one bit.  And he said so right on his show so he could give the gossipy old ladies and dour old men in his audience another thing to dislike about the Obamas.  What O'Reilly didn't say was that Laura Bush was on an Academy show, too. 

Or ... that the producers had intended to ask Mrs. Willard to do the spot if, in the unlikely and highly destructive eventuality, her hubby had landed in the Oval office. The choice wasn't political.  It was show biz.  But details like that don't suit O'Reilly's agenda. 

He has a specific gig -- Keep the old cranks engaged with fear about the WAR ON CHRISTMAS or fake outrage that the wife of a Ugandan Muslim is besmirching their beloved Awards show.   It's O'Reilly's form of show biz.  The problem is many confuse it with news.  It ain't.

Check out O'Reilly's expressions beginning at 1:20 as Letterman blasts him

In other gun newsOne year since three Chardon families lost children to gun violence.

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