Thursday, February 28, 2013


Univision just beat NBC in the February sweeps.  This is more evidence that the Republicant party and Faux News have l-l-o-o-n-n-g-g   t-t-e-e-r-r-m-m   popularity problems –

Big deal.  So what?  Who cares?  What does that have to do with anything?

Univision is the TV channel of choice for Hispanics, and – in February -- the Hispanic audience was larger than the audience share for a major network in viewers.  That is another indicator of the demographic shift happening in the country. 

This is BAD for the Republicants and Faux because this growing population of viewers (and voters) don't like Republicants.  Little things like saying SELF-DEPORTATION, a cuddly term Willard Romney used throughout his FAILED pres run telling Hispanic to go back where they belong from, are off-putting.  People take offense.

And Hispanics – like everyone else in the universe except for Faux viewers – know that Faux is in the tank for the Republicants.

Some Republicants recognize this demographic shift and are trying to appeal to Hispanics by working for Immigration Reform, while other Republicants say NO WAY MAN.  

Until the Hispanic population has a reason to vote for Republicants they won't.  It's known as voting ones self-interest.

Everyone votes their own self-interest, except for low-income and middle-class whites who vote for Republicants.  

These pinheads don't realize that Republicants ain't their friends, they didn't see the memo about REPUBLICANTS BEING THE PARTY OF EXTREMELY WEALTHY FATCATS.  

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