hating Republicants in state legislatures like Michigan continue their assault
on middle-class workers who actually do the work in this country. Republicants hate unions because the Republicants
get their campaign cash from businesses and businesses don't like workers to be
organized. Organized workers are a pain in
the butt to businesses because organized workers demand things like decent
wages, safe working conditions, health insurance, paid vacations and a place inside
to go to the bathroom.
Business and anti-union special interest groups finance the Republicants they
get to call the tune and the Republicants obey, yes sir.
Yassir, Mr. Business Owner,
we gone get rid of dem damnation unions jest as fasts as we can votes on it,
the other side of the middle-class squeeze we have people like Willard
Romney. It's hard to remember because it
was soooo long ago – way back last November – and Willard was such a
forgettable personality, but he was the Republicant nominee for Pres. Remember?
Republicants thought they'd found their savior in Willard and pundits on Faux
News and Obama hating bloggers who know nothing about politics predicted
Willard would win by a landslide.
me a moment while I laugh myself silly.
Willard. Landslide. Two words that should never be used in the
same sentence.
lost big time but his campaign exposed the way people like Willard – who've
never created anything in their lives (unlike people in unions) – get
rich. They ship American jobs to other
countries where the wages are low low low.
That's what Republicants found so appealing in Willard, he helped
destroy middle-class union jobs.
a few products that no longer carry the MADE IN AMERICA label:
1- American Flags – most are made in China
The Monopoly Game
Olympic Uniforms – Willard started this trend when he ran the Utah Olympics
Etch a Sketch – made in China, symbolic of the Etch a Sketch candidate – Romney
Levi Jeans
Republicants and your dear friend, landslide winner --- Willard Mitt Romney.
In other gun news:
A Philadelphia man was sentenced to 9–18 years in prison for the death of his
son. The four year old found daddy's gun
and accidentally shot himself; The New
Mexico teen who killed his family also plotted to randomly shoot Wal-Mart
nobody shot at gun shows today but it's still early.
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