Monday, January 7, 2013

Watch This Drive

The Republicant propaganda machine is out with another of their tired laments.  This time criticizing Pres. O for renewing his vacation in Hawaii, the vacation he had to cut short because the can't shoot straight Republicants in the House wouldn't deal with the fiscal cliff.
AAAuuuuuggggghhhhhh … the FISCAL CLIFF.

Complainer in chief (surprise, surprise) is Rush Limbaugh, followed by Sean Hannity and the other Faux News professional Obama criticizers.
"Obama went back to Hawaii to finish the vacation …" Rushbo (or the Drugster as commentator Ed Shultz calls him) said with suitable fake outrage.

"Our dedicated Commander-in-Chief has returned to his wonderful vacation in Hawaii," Hannity sighed, "showing us once again that he does not have your best interests in mind."

Nancy Reagan didn't joined the Republicant propaganda campaign.  She knows better.  Here's what she said years ago: "Presidents never have a day off."  She might know.  Her hubby was Ronald, who took plenty of get out of Washington trips to his California non-working ranch to ride horses and cut brush.

For the record Obama has had 84 days off since he took office in 2008, George Bush, Jr had 250 days off from January 2001 to August 2003.  For comparison, that looks something like this:
                        Jan 2008 – Jan 2013: Obama 84 vacation days in four years
                        Jan 2001 – Aug 2003: Bush, Jr 250 vacation days in TWO YEARS EIGHT MONTHS!
I don't recall Limbaugh and Hannity making an issue of Bush's excessive time off.  Maybe I just missed it.

And speaking of excessive time off -- the Congress has set its agenda for 2013.  The do-nothings will be in session only 126 days this year and just 2 days in August.  These are the people we pay $174,000 a year, 3.58 times more than the Average American earns.  Those Average Americans are lucky to get two weeks' vacation.
Would everybody who'd like to do nothing for 126 days this year and still be paid $174,000 … please raise your hand?

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