Thursday, April 18, 2013


In other oops, ignore what we just said news:

Speaking of cowards, more than 90% of the American people want universal background checks.  Ninety percent of the Democratic senators voted in favor of background checks while 90% of the cowardly Republican senators were opposed to background checks.  Among those cowards was Ohio Sen. Portman, otherwise known as Rob or Robby. 

Profile in Courage

Robby, in addition to being afraid of the NRA, was, in case you don't know, a member of little Georgie Bush's financial team.
You remember Bush jr – he's the one who – along with his crack team of financial advisors – destroyed the American economy.
Robby Portman – coward AND financial wizard all in one. 

Robby, in case you don't know, recently came out (so to speak) in favor of gay marriage.  Robby came out (so to speak) in favor of gay marriage because Robby has a gay son.  If Robby has a family member who is a victim of gun violence, will Robby THEN be in favor of gun control?

Who knows.  But when there is another mass gun murder as there surely will be another mass gun murder Robby will have aided in making it easier for the mass murderer to commit that mass murder.
Yesterday CNN and Faux News (no guffawing) reported that an arrest had been made in the Boston bombing.  This was later clarified to mean that no arrest had been made in the Boston bombing.  The difference between an arrest has been made and no arrest has been made is only a matter of degree.  Reasonable people can disagree on that.  Right?  Faux … and CNN?

Speaking of Faux – NO LAUGHING -- When Pres. Obama came out to lambast the cowardly senators who killed the gun legislation Faux didn't think it was news worthy.  They skipped the president's speech.  Faux – We distort, you never mind.

In other gun news:

Number of gun deaths since Newtown – 3513.

Twice as many children are killed by guns than die from cancer.

Here's another picture of the coward.

And another.
One more.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


In other It didn't take long news:

Although officials conducting the investigation claim they have no idea who is responsible for the bombings in Boston a tea bag group knows exactly who to blame: Pres. Obama.  According to the group, it's Obama's cuddling of radical Islam that led to the act of terror.
Sean – not the gayest Irishman on Faux – Hannity decided to make the Boston bombing footage into a montage with music accompaniment, sorta like a movie trailer.  Maybe Sean did it as a way to stop his decline in the ratings.  Catch Hannity's work right here.

My ratings are gonna go up now, right?  Right?

As the Republicants perfect their new outreach to women, Hispanics and blacks, attempting to broaden the party's appeal to those groups, it's been kinda a bumpy road.  First there was the Alaskan Congressman who referred to Mexicans as wetbacks and now there's this from a Republicant lawmaker in New Hampshire.  Peter Hanson sent out an email in which he referred to women as vaginas.  That would be like referring to Peter as a dick.

This Peter Rabbit is not a dick.
A large-super-mega-huge-big $$$$$$$$ donor to the Republicant party has said that if the Republicants don't get right with Jesus on the gun control issue they gonna become IRRELEVENT.  Even if the Republicant Neanderthals in the Senate cain't read the polls The Big Bucks Guy can.  

He knows that more than NINETY PERCENT OF AMERICANS WANT UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHEKCS, including 80% of NRA members.  Yet the Republicant Neanderthals are still tryin' to defeat the gun measures pending in Congress.  

If they succeed the BIG MEGA MONEY MAN says they'll pay for their refusal to do the will of the people by losing in 2014.

The guy – Al Hoffman – even goes so far as to say he agrees with Obama on gun control.  BLASPHEMY.  IT'S BLASPHEMY I TELL YOU.

In other gun news:

Got kids or grandkids in college?  Here's a scary tidbit of news: There have already been 13 gun incidents on college campuses since the beginning of the year ---- in ….
 KY, MO, FLA, TX (surprised?), MD, PA, NC and VA.


Monday, April 15, 2013


In other cost of health care news:

Flat earth Republicant leaders like Mitch – I'm talking as slow and as boringly as I can – McConnell and John – I'm sobbing like a freak – Boehner like to repeat the Republicant mantra about the US health care system being the best health care system in the world.

Boehner says that whenever he brings another bill to the floor of the House to repeal Obama Care (those bills which have no chance of going anywhere, and now numbering somewhere around 30, have cost the US taxpayers over $3 million). 
McConnell likes to say it whenever he's not being caught on tape discussing Ashley Judd's mental health.
Of course, the US doesn't have the best health care system in the world but it does have the most expensive. 

In the US a typical stay in the hospital for a normal baby delivery averages $9800, in the UK it's $2600 and in France it costs $3500.

In the US a C-section will set somebody back $15000, England = $4400; France = $6400.

Need a bit of bypass work on the ticker.  The US bill will average around $73000.  In England it's a paltry $14,000.  France averages about $23,000.

Daily cost to stay in a US hospital = $4300.  France = $853.  Australia is the second most expensive after the US.  Kangarooville = $1500, about a third.

The US spends 18% of GDP on health care.  England = 10%, France = 12%.

The next time you hear Republicants Mitch – I'm talking as slow and as boringly as I can – McConnell or John – I'm sobbing like a freak – Boehner repeat the tired old Republicant mantra about the US health care system – being the best health care system in the world – tell them it damned well better be since it’s THE MOST EXPENSIVE IN THE WORLD.  BY FAR.  Then tell them to shut up.

In other gun news:
A man attending the NRA NASCAR race in Texas shot and killed himself.

Parents of the six year old New Jersey boy accidentally killed by a four year old who got his hands on a rifle have donated their son's organs.

In Va., an 18 year old was arrested for shooting up a mall, two women were wounded.

No shootings at gun appreciation days yet but don't blink.

Don't forget to sign our petition to allow guns inside the US Congress.  It's our Second Amendment right to bear arms as we listen to politicians run their mouths.


Friday, April 12, 2013


In other random wacko Republicant tea bagger news:

In Georgia, a Republicant who was all in favor of welfare recipients being drug tested, has been arrested for DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE. The hypocrite's name is Chuck Simms.  Simms was arrested in 2010 for the same thing. 

Too bad Simms wasn't getting welfare -- he might be off the hook, because Georgia's welfare queen drug testing has been suspended pending court rulings.  Other states that were sure welfare 47% takers were living the high life found that less than one percent of those tested were under the influence.  The cost of testing was more expensive than any savings realized by suspending payments to violators. 

Donald Trump, the orange haired, New York City, birther clod, was BOOOOOEEEED by a WWF crowd when he tried to open his mouth at a Hall of Fame induction ceremony at Madison Square Garden.  Well done. WWF fans.

Female impersonator Ann Coulter said in a Fox Nation column the other day that Meghan McCain, John McCain's daughter, should be killed.  After Meghan said that Coulter was a vampire who should have a stake driven thru her heart, Fox dropped the column.   

Stork-like Coulter also dissed Sarah Palin recently saying the former Governor, former Faux News (no laughing out loud) analyst and former vice-presidential candidate should have learned 'proper English.'

Palin was too busy comparing herself to that other maverickey conservative Margaret Thatcher to hunt down Coulter and beat her senseless … but it'll happen eventually.   

Coulter is already feuding with Rand Paul about Mexicans.  All this increased inmate infighting is interesting indeed.
How dumb are the residents of Oklahoma?  Pretty damned dumb.  They've been sending James Inhofe to the US Senate since 1994.  Inhofe is the original flat earther, he was flat earth before being flat earth was popular.  Inhofe's latest flat earth gems are his statements about the current gun control debate.  

According to Jimmy the gun debate has "nothing to do with the Newtown families."  Really?  Than what do it have to do with?  Do it have to do with how flat the earth is?

The Republicant governor of Maine called a meeting of State Unemployment Clerks and said "you'all been too lenient on the lazy outawork 47% bums who are 'spectin' the Great State a Maine ta pay their car paymnets.  It's time youse started rejectin' more unemployment claims and started findin' in favor of employers.  Got it?" 

That's nuthin. In Ohio ALL claims are rejected if the employer summits some standard paperwork to the State.  Then the unemployed has to appeal his claim.  The State takes the employer's side without question.
The Republicants have their attention fixed firmly on the future.  According to one highly placed tea bagging House member, "The future is now, it's our destiny, it's our fate -- it's where the future is taking us."  To help them in their pursuit of the future the Republicants have turned to beloved, wise, respected counselor of all things and bird killer on a grand scale – Dick Cheney. 

Cheney, the man who brought you the Iraq war – speechified on the current troubles with the nut case in N. Korea.  Said Cheney about the nut cases in general, "you never know what they're thinking."  And THAT'S the kind of discernment which explains why Cheney holds the place of respect that he does in Republicant's futurism.

See The Daily Show's hilarious Cheney – shoot an old man in the face – segment here.
In other gun news:

Republicant cowards in the Senate who'd said they'd filibuster the gun debate backed down immediately when the families of little kids and teachers killed at Newtown flew to DC on Air Force One with the Pres and began walking the halls of Congress.

Now there's rumors that the same chickkensh-t Senators may try to filibuster every amendment.  

Zwicky doubts the families will let that happen.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


In more, other M Thatcher socialist news:

Lawrence O'Donnell loves busting the rightwingwackos about the Margaret Thatcher myths.  Last night he showed how Thatcher's government took 35% of GDP, the same rate in effect in the UK today.  She actually raised that percentage, it was LOWER when she took office.

She also preserved a 60% highest tax rate for all but one year she was in office, compared to our highest tax rate of less than 40%.  She needed lots of green $$$$$$$$ to pay for ….. among other socialist things … UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE.  Thatcher insisted that access to health care was a right for British citizens.  Thatchercare.

That's ridiculous.  You go to a doctor if you can PAY for it.  NOT if you need it.

And she DOUBLED …


the national sales tax.

That's a lie.  Ask Rush Limbo.

O'Donnell also took on the THE UNITED STATES IS THE HIGHEST TAXED NATION IN THE WORLD baloney, and where the US stands in relation to other industrialized countries in terms of taxes.

Where do it stand?

NOT on top, as the rightwingwacko tea baggers bleat about continually.  We're number 31.  Way, way, way down the list.  Highest taxed is Denmark, taking 46% of GDP.  Thatcher's mythologized conservative promised land is number fifteen, taking 34.9%.  Germany, which enjoys a robust economy and taxes at a higher percentage of GDP than Britain (35.1%), is number 13 on the list.  How is Germany able to be an economic powerhouse if it taxes at such a high rate?  That contradicts everything the tea baggers say about fixing the US economy?

It's a riddle inside an enigma.

Isn't it though.
Michele Bachmann, a flat earther Republicant tea bagging sweet heart, who said Pres. Obama has six gourmet chefs on Air Force one, is being investigated for ethics violations concerning misuse of campaign funds last year.  Reportedly, Bachmann shuffled some money here and threw some money there – mainly to campaign advisers – in ways that weren't exactly, precisely, totally … legal.  At the same time she was fixin' the books she forgot … oops … to pay her staff.  Isn't that just so tea baggish --- "Screw the little 47 percenters.  I need my advisers."  

When reporters try to ask her questions she either runs like a girl or has her aides throw body blocks.  It'll be fun watching another tea party favorite bite the dust.

Paying attention Sen. Cruz?
Zwicky recently told you how Republicant refusal to compromise with Obama has resulted in Kansans being schooled about what the Feds actually do for them.   That's too bad for the flat earthers and Zwicky has little sympathy for tea baggers who get what they asked for.  But that's not the case with people suffering with the hated disease – cancer.

The same budget cuts that the Republicants inflicted on themselves in Kansas are seriously hurting thousands of innocents who are being refused chemotherapy treatments.  Oncologists say the funding cuts make it impossible for them to purchase the drugs and stay in business.  So, very sick people with a horrible disease are being told to look elsewhere for treatment.  What would Margaret Thatcher say about that?
In other Knife news:

A nut in Texas (why are there so many loons in Texas?) ran around Lone Star community college yesterday stabbing people with a knife, 14 were hurt, 2 critically.

This raises the question – should knives we subject to reasonable knife control laws?  Should people who buy knives be subject to a background check?  Is there a limit on how many knives a person can own?

Of course not.  Those questions are ridiculous.  The difference between a knife attack on 14 people and a gun attack on 14 people is that a gun attack would have resulted in 14 DEAD people.



Tuesday, April 9, 2013


In other M Thatcher socialist news:

Yesterday Lawrence O'Donnell showed how Margaret Thatcher was quite comfortable with all sorts of socialist and progressive ideas -- smart stuff that today's tea bagging, Republicant flat earthers would never abide:

When Thatcher left office the highest income tax bracket was 40%, higher than today's tax rate under Obama.

She fought for and expanded national health coverage.  Thatchercare?

She extended unemployment benefits for people out-of-work during a long economic downturn.

She acknowledged evolution.  AHHHHHHH we're all from apes.

She recognized the reality of global warming and said that industrialized nations should pick up more of the tab for correcting the problem than third world countries.

The hero of rightwingnuts – Margaret Thatcher --- was further to the left on some issues than today's liberals.  You won't hear that from Rush Limbaugh or on Faux News (no smirking).

See all of O'Donnell's segment  here.
And speaking of Faux News (no giggling) Sean – not the gayest Irishman on TV – Hannity's ratings continue to droop.  People have finally started to see what Zwicky knew long ago – Hannity is a one note blowhard, just like The Drugster.

In other gun news:

In Tennessee, a 4 year old accidentally shot and killed a deputy's wife with one of the deputy's own guns.
In New Jersey, a 4 year old shot a 6 year old with a .22 rifle.
Guns don't kill people, 4 year olds kill people.


Monday, April 8, 2013


In other Republicant utopian news:

What do Kansas and Iraq have in common?  They're both ultra-conservative utopias.  Iraq has no troublesome environmental laws, gun laws or pesky controls on business, tho they're partial to laws supposedly sent down by god. 

Kansas was once described as an ultra-conservative utopia and so it can relate to Iraq's utopian ways.  In fact, Kansas elected Republicants to 'git ta Warshingten and cut that there bloated budget and do other vital tea baggers business, like git the fidaral govamint outa our bees wax.  FREEDOM.'  Yessir.  And they have elected Sam Brownback as their governor, another utopian, tea bagging favorite.  Lucky Kansans.

Which is interesting because Kansas is one of those Red states that gets more money from Warshingten than it sends in, about $3 billion more.  Now, due to the Republicants refusal to compromise with that socialistic Obammer, some of that un-hard-earned cash has stopped flowing.  Oops, what's a Kansas Republicant to do? 

Where's our free money?

Kansas can't meet its constitutionally mandated educational requirements (they're $59 million in the hole).  The courts don't like that.

Federal courthouses cain't prosecute bad guys cause they're 14% in the hole.  Murderers, rapists and other Kansas utopians set free?  Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty us Kansas felons is free at last.

That don't sound right.

Air towers are going unmanned.

So what? 

Kansas has a zillion regional airports cause the farmers are spread all over the place and now the farmers don't have any eyes on the radar when they fly the ultra-conservative utopian skies.  Close calls at 18,000 feet anyone?

That's outrageous.

That's what the tea bagging Kansas house members have said and they're OUTRAGED about it.  They're surprised and outraged that cutting federal spending, where their state gets MORE money than it pays in, is actually HAVING AN EFFECT ON SERVICES.  Now they have to raise taxes locally to pay for what they use locally. 

That's a shocker.

What did these morons think?  The money comes from the money tree?  Kansas ultra-conservative utopians wanted government shrunk.  It's a-shrinkin' and now they see what it's like.

Those ultra-conservative utopian Republicant tea baggers are on a sharp learning curve -- paying their own freight for a change, rather than LIVING OFF THE SWEAT OF WORK DONE BY PROGRESSIVES IN THE BLUES STATES.

It seems like poetic justice.

Don't it.

In other gun news:

The just finished, hot off the presses, DOA NRA security study for protecting our school kids requires MANDATORY BACKGROUND CHECKS for security guards, the BACKGROUND CHECKS to be repeated yearly. 

That's NRA logic – no security checks for maniacs when they buy the guns used to murder children but mandatory background checks for the guards.  Get It?
