Friday, December 28, 2012

CRAZY: adj. Affected with madness; insane; senseless

On Sunday's Meet the Press,  Wayne LaPierre  -- mouthpiece for the gun manufacturer's lobby the NRA – said "Call me crazy." 
Okay.  No problem, LaPierre.  "You're crazy."
Crazy LaPierre said to call him crazy because he said we need armed guards in all our schools.  We need guards with guns to protect our children from maniacs with guns  … the guns manufactured by the people LaPierre speaks for.  

It's a symmetrical logic that can't be duplicated in this universe: we need more guns because too many people have guns and so we need guns to protect us from people with guns which means more guns for the gun manufacturers to sell.  And make money from.
It's simple and profitable and if you can't make money on guns that are used to kill little children then what is this country coming to?
Communism?  Socialism?
From my cold dead hands.

Except that at the Columbine high school where 12 students and a teacher were murdered and 24 people were wounded TWO ARMED GUARDS WERE PRESENT.  An inconvenient detail that gun lobbyist Crazy LaPierre failed to mention.
And at the Virginia Tech massacre where 32 people were murdered and 17 were wounded, ARMED SECURITY GUARDS WERE ON CAMPUS.  Another inconvenient detail Crazy LaPierre didn't bring up at this Friday press conference or in his appearance on Meet The Press.

The cost of stationing armed, trained police officers at all the nation's public schools is estimated to be $5.7 BILLION.  Okay, Crazy LaPierre, let's hear you advocate raising taxes on gun owners to pick up the tab for the $5.7 BILLION. 
We're waiting.  
That's the sound of crickets you hear as we wait for Crazy LaPierre to demand gun owners be taxed $5.7 BILLION for security at schools.

Just before Crazy LaPierre's Friday press conference where he pushed the idea of spending $5.7 BILLION to put a cop in every school, a gunman in Pennsylvania killed three people, including a woman putting up Christmas decorations at a church.  Does Crazy LaPierre suggest putting a cop in every church in the country, too?
Why stop there?

How about college campuses like Virginia Tech?  Using Crazy LaPierre's logic we need a cop in every campus building.  Also, in every hospital, shopping mall, movie theatre and post office.  Armed guards need to be everywhere. 

Last week another maniac set fire to his house and when the fire trucks arrived he killed two firemen.  Crazy LaPierre's solution --  armed guards on fire trucks.  

At his press conference Crazy LaPierre blamed violence in society on violent video games.  Does Crazy LaPierre know that the NRA partners with companies that MANUFACTURE VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES???         
Crazy LaPierre is calling his own gun manufacturers lobby group – the NRA – a reason for our violent society.  Not because of guns but because of games.
Guns don't kill people, games kill people?

"Call me crazy", Crazy La…Pierre pleads.
You're crazy, Crazy LaPierre.  And dangerous.  And immoral. 

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