Thursday, December 13, 2012

It takes those clowns six months to name a post office

Michigan just joined the Right To Work crowd of states, otherwise known as the Right To Work For Less crowd of states.  The legislation was first proposed last Thursday ...
no Committee hearings were held …
voted into law when the mandatory five day waiting period had been satisfied …
then immediately signed into law by the governor.
Wait a minute.  What's the rush?  Since when does any government anywhere do anything in five days?  It takes those clowns six months to name a post office.
The legislature is Republican and the governor is a Republican.
So what?
Republicans hate unions.
Since when?
Since at least as far back as when that giant of steely resolve Ronald Reagan took on the weakest union in the Federal System – the air traffic controllers union.
Why do Republicans hate unions?
Because Republican politicians are beholden to corporations that have to employ people.
So?  People are people too, my friend.
True.  But people in unions are fond of things like decent wages, health care, sick leave, vacations.
What's wrong with vacations?  Who doesn't like a vaction?
Corporations don’t like to pay for stuff like decent wages, health care, sick leave, vacations.  
What do corporations like to do?
They like to keep as much of the money for the managers and stock holders and CEO's and other people who don’t get their hands dirty.
What's wrong with dirty hands?
Not a thing.  But making less money is bad.
I'm confused, I thought we were talking about the Right To Work – you know the RTW.
In RTW states, workers made an average of $7600 less than Michigan workers.
Oh, $7600.  That's a lot of dirty hands action.
And in RTW states workplace deaths are 41% higher than in states where unions protect workers.
Hmmm …
Workers go without health insurance.
Don't get sick.
Poverty rates and infant mortality rates are higher in RTW states.
If you're so smart, and RTW is so bad, then why did Michigan pass it?
Because The Following Anti-union, Big Business Groups put big $$$$$$$$$ into it:
The Chamber of Commerce – the largest business coalition in the country
Tax obsessed Grover Norquist's group
Anti-union Alliance for Workers Freedom
Disgraced Congressman Tom Delay
Holland Coors of the Coors beer fortune (consider that next time you order a Coors Lite)
Koch brothers funded Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity
They really, really, really, really don't like unions … do they?
No, they really DON"T.

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