1- 55% of Americans favor MAJOR restrictions on gun ownership, including 15% who favor
banning guns completely, according to a CNN poll just completed.
Top mouth piece for the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, has a take home pay of more than
$1 million.
In China, a maniac attacked 22 school children … ALL the kids survived because
the maniac used a knife. Guns are virtually impossible to get your hands on …
in China … and in most other countries too.
In 1996 an Australian maniac killed 35 people with an automatic weapon. The Australian Prime Minister at the time
said "We do not want the American disease imported into Australia",
referring to the American obsession with lethal weaponry intended for use in
wars. Assault weapons were banned, licensing
was tightened and buy-back programs took guns off the street. Since then there
have been NO further massacres in Australia.
In the U.S. children are 13 -- THIRTEEN -- TIMES more likely to be killed by
guns than in any other developed nation.
That includes YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR GRAND CHILDREN, it's not always
The higher the gun ownership in a state, the higher YOUR chances of being
killed by a gun.
The News Herald, Politics with Pete
blogger writes that before he goes to bed at night he loads his .357 and then
sleeps like a baby. I hope his and his
wife's life insurance premiums are up to date because a Harvard study found that
guns in the home DECREASE security, guns
in the home increase intimidation and killing of women and there's no evidence that guns in the home reduces
break ins.
Here's Amendment II to the United States Constitution: A well regulated militia,
being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to
keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
if Amendment II to the United States Constitution read thus: A well
regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of
the people to keep and bear muskets, shall not be infringed.
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