Thursday, December 6, 2012

Actual News from Fox (Faux) News…

Dateline: Fantasyland.
Item #1: Fox News, where faux news is the news, has again started waging its yearly war against the imaginary War On Christmas. 
Angry Fox News pundit -- Bill O'Reilly, the most successful pundit in all of pundit land -- has bravely stepped in to fight the War On Christmas even though there is no War On Christmas.  But fighting the non-existent War On Christmas is good for ratings in O'Reilly's prime demographic – people who fall asleep in their recliners after eating their prunes.
O'Reilly is upset because some people say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.   OUTRAGEOUS!
This is how insidious the fake War On Christmas is.  It begins with salutations of benign greeting to strangers and ends with godless atheist pagans devouring our newborn children.
Christians Beware: the heathens are out to steal our holiday, like the Grinch who stole Christmas.
Thankfully, O'Reilly is here to defend the indefensible. 
Although a priest who was a guest on O'Reilly's show said there was no War On Christmas and that O'Reilly was acting in an unchristian manner by displaying such an angry, unforgiving spirit. 
But what do priests know??
Item#2:  Carl Rove, Republican mastermind once given the title of Bush's Brain (a title Rove has relinquished since Bush's approval rating is below that of bedbugs), just got bumped from the Fox (Faux) News  roster. 

Rove was a BIG PLAYER in the recent elections, spending more than $300 million of OPM (Other People's Money) NOT getting Republicans elected. 
Rove had a fit of pique on election night when Fox's own analysts called the election for Obama.  Rove insisted it was all a mistake. 
The election was supposed to go to Romney.  Rove hadn't counted on 52% of the voters in the country pulling the lever for O with only 47% for R. 
Rove's other candidates in Senate and House races were also trounced.  Rove earned less than 2% on his investment --- of OPM (Other People's Money).
But fear not, Rove – like a vampire rising from the grave – will be back.  No political operatives in this country – Democrat or Repub. -- ever go away.
And that's part of the problem.
Item #3:  Dick Morris, another Fox analyst, is also getting the boot.  Morris predicted with an absolute straight face before the election that Romney would win by a landslide. Hilarious. 
Morris also predicted Repubs would pick up 10 TEN Senate seats including the seat held by local hero – Sherrod Brown – but they actually lost a couple. 
Morris's other predictions included this gem – Obama would drop out of the race.  
Wow. No wonder the flat earthers love Morris – he lives in the same parallel universe they do.

Item#4: No announcement yet, but one suspects Sarah Palin's fifteen minutes have about run their course, too.  How long will it be before Palin goes back to Alaska … PERMANETLY?   

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